8 Juli 2017
Upload activities and photographs with your smartphone.
If you want to upload scheduling activities with your smartphone, use the following steps:
- Download and install the app for Android ** of iOS ***
- Use the ‘+’ sign (upper right) to add a new activity
- Fill in “activity”
- Fill in “starting time”
- Fill in “starting date”
- Fill in “end time”
- Fill in “end date”
- Optional: fill in “repetition”
- Choose a corresponding background colour.
- Choose “Photograph” to brighter up the activity or to make it more comprehensive.
- Go to “Back” (Upper left)
- Choose “Save”
Within seconds your activity is displayed on the dashboard. ** https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.dayclock.agenda *** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dayclocks-agenda/id1117052650?mt=8